Drupal VM Installation Steps

Drupal VM Installation Steps

How to create and install Drupal-VM

Table of contents

Download and Install Following Software:

  1. Drupal VM :- drupalvm.com
  2. Vagrant amd64 :- vagrantup.com/downloads
  3. Composer :- getcomposer.org/download
  4. VirtualBox 6.1.18 :- virtualbox.org/wiki/Download_Old_Builds_6_1


    > Inside any drive(like C or D) create a new folder.
            1) Inside that folder extract Drupal-VM file.
            2) Create new folder and give it a name(like Drupal-Project).
            3) Inside Drupal-Project run composer create-project --no-install drupal/recommended-project 
             name of your project(Eg : Phone). 

   > Inside Drupal-VM  run vagrant up --provision.
   > After that run vagrant up.
   > And Voila your project is created.
   > End of the day run vagrant halt so that your project will not crash.